


What is "Indian summer"?

What is “Indian summer” and when does it happen? Mid-autumn is the time for the “return of summer”. Though all of us understand pretty well that a couple of warm and sunny autumn weeks will soon be replaced by the first frost, we continue calling this short period as summer.

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Astronomical Autumn vs. Meteorological Autumn

Meteorological Autumn and Astronomical Autumn are two different ways of defining the seasons: Meteorological Autumn: Meteorological seasons are based on the calendar months and are primarily used by meteorologists and climatologists for consistent and simplified record-keeping and forecasting. In the meteorological definition, autumn is considered to be the three calendar months of September, October, and November in the Northern Hemisphere, and March, April, and May in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Have You Seen Polar Lights?

Polar lights are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on Earth If we were to rank the most beautiful atmospheric phenomena, we would definitely give one of the highest places to polar lights. The ideal time for them is clear frosty nights from September to March at latitudes of about 67–70°.

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Leonid Meteor Shower

The Leonid Meteor Shower is an annual celestial event awaited by stargazers. The Leonid Meteor Shower is named after the constellation Leo, from where the meteors appear to emanate. It occurs when Earth crosses the debris trail left by comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. This event is known for its bright meteors and persistent trails left in the sky, providing a spectacular view for observers​.

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Hurricane Season 2020

The current Atlantic hurricane season promises to be the strongest for the last few years. The annual hurricane season starts in the Atlantic Ocean on June 1 and it will last till the end of November. According to the forecast of the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the 2020 season will surpass previous years as for the strength and frequency of storms and hurricanes.

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