


What are "White Nights"?

What exactly are “White Nights” and what causes them? This is the name of the long twilight, which lasts all night. From an astronomical point of view, twilight is understood as a period of time when the Sun is shallow below the horizon. During the white nights, natural light remains high.

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Have You Seen Silver Clouds?

Silver clouds are not just an art installation by Andy Warhol, these actual clouds (also called NLC or noctilucent clouds) can be usually observed in summer until the end of July. Starting late May the end of the month of July it might be possible to see silver or, as they are also called, “polar” clouds in the sky over Northern Europe, Canada and the northern regions of Russia.

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Aquarids Starfall

In the first dates of May we will be able to watch the Eta Aquariids Starfall. The peak of its activity will be on May 6-7, but overall the shower is visible from about April 19 to about May 28 each year. It will be seen brighter in the Southern Hemisphere, although the residents of the Northern half of the Earth will also be able to watch the starfall.

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Mercury in May 2020

Let’s assume you are going to observe Mercury from May 15 to 22. What needs to be done to determine its location? To begin with, find Venus, the largest and brightest star, and a little lower, almost above the horizon, you can find Mercury, which also differs from other stars with its intense white light.

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Jupiter and Saturn

The nights in May are almost the shortest of the year, however, one can see a lot of interesting things in the sky even in such short night hours. For example, you can even observe two planets right in the East without any telescope: these are Jupiter and Saturn.

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Already this week, May 7, 2020 we’ll be able to observe the last Super Moon of the year. This interesting and very beautiful natural phenomenon occurs when the distance between the Moon and the Earth is reduced to the minimum. This is exactly what will happen on May 7 at 1:46 p.

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May 2020: Watch The Sky

What interesting can be seen in the May sky? If you pay attention to its western part near the horizon, your attention will be definitely attracted by a bright shining star. This is the planet Venus. It is difficult to confuse it with other stars, as it is much brighter and does not flicker.

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