


Have You Seen Daytime Moon? 🌕

It is considered that the Moon can be observed only at night. 🌖 However, in fact, it can easily be seen in the afternoon. And by the way, this very question “why the Moon is in the sky during the day” is often asked by children who are much more observant than adults.

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Largest Full Moon in 2023

On the evening of August 31, 2023, we will have the opportunity to witness one of the most significant astronomical events - a supermoon. On this evening, the full moon will approach the Earth at its closest distance this year, offering a mesmerizing celestial spectacle. Our natural satellite will be accompanied by two great planets - Saturn and Jupiter.

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Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in May 2023

On Friday, May 5, 2023 the Moon will enter the Earth’s outer shadow, creating a celestial event known as a penumbral lunar eclipse. During the eclipse, observers will see the Moon darken, but it won’t disappear completely. The penumbral lunar eclipse will start at 11:15 am Eastern Time (15:15 GMT) and will be visible from any location on Earth where the Moon is above the horizon, including Antarctica, Asia, Russia, Oceania, and Eastern and Central Africa.

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How Moon Affects Ebb and Flow of Tide

The moon plays a significant role in the ebb and flow of the tides. As the moon orbits around the Earth, it exerts a gravitational force on the planet. This force creates a tidal bulge on the side of the Earth facing the moon, as well as a second bulge on the opposite side of the Earth.

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Watching the full moon on October 31, 2020

On the last day of the month, one can observe the full moon in the sky. The ideal observation time is 14:51 (UTC). And what do people associate the full moon with? It has always been considered the most magical time of the year. Many signs and rituals are associated with it, so we have chosen the simplest and most pleasant for you: they say that if lovers kiss during the full moon, their relationship will be long and happy.

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Already this week, May 7, 2020 we’ll be able to observe the last Super Moon of the year. This interesting and very beautiful natural phenomenon occurs when the distance between the Moon and the Earth is reduced to the minimum. This is exactly what will happen on May 7 at 1:46 p.

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