Largest Full Moon in 2023

  • Post by Weather & Climate
  • Aug 30, 2023

On the evening of August 31, 2023, we will have the opportunity to witness one of the most significant astronomical events - a supermoon. On this evening, the full moon will approach the Earth at its closest distance this year, offering a mesmerizing celestial spectacle. Our natural satellite will be accompanied by two great planets - Saturn and Jupiter.

A supermoon is a phenomenon in which the Moon, as it approaches the Earth, reaches the phase of full moon. This creates an impressive and luminous celestial display. During this time, the full moon always captures observers' attention with its remarkable brightness and size, especially when observed near the horizon.

A key difference between a supermoon and a regular full moon lies in its proximity to perigee - the closest point of the Moon’s orbit to Earth. This phenomenal approach makes the Moon appear about 14% larger and more than 30% brighter than a full moon at apogee - the farthest point of the Moon’s orbit from Earth.

Additionally, what adds to the wonder is that the full moon on August 31 will also be a Blue Moon. This term signifies the occurrence of two full moons within a single calendar month. The term “blue” has nothing to do with the Moon’s color; it simply underscores the rarity of this event. The origin of the term is linked to folk mythology and folklore, rather than the Moon’s hue.

A supermoon is not only a captivating spectacle for observation but also a significant event for astronomers. It provides a unique opportunity for a more detailed examination of the Moon’s surface and for conducting more precise observations.

Do not miss this exceptional chance to witness this phenomenon.

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